Men@Play by Janie DeCoster

menplayDedication vs loyalty, is there a difference?  When you are dedicated to someone or something there is nothing you won’t do for them.  When you are loyal, you have a unwavering allegiance to someone or something.  Is there a point when your dedication should be put on hold or once you are loyal you remain loyal no matter what?  Who determines when and at what cost?

Donovan Lattimore is what the older generation would call “a piece of work.”  All through his high school career and after into adulthood he felt like he was entitled and if you didn’t do things his way Donovan was a force to be reckoned with.  It wasn’t until Donovan met a girl named Charlene Hamilton that he was starting to question his actions like never before.  What was it that this girl had that made Donovan attempt to change his way of thinking?  Could the almighty Donovan Lattimore be under the spell of the one person who no one would ever thought that he would be associated with?  Or does he have an agenda for Charlene?

Winston Taylor is the best friend of Donovan.  Some would think that Winston doesn’t have a brain of his own the way he is Donovan’s’ “yes” man.  The one thing that has Winston’s brain all twisted more than Donovan is his girlfriend Dawn.  Dawn is the one person who can break the spell that Donovan has over Winston but when they go head to head over Winston there are casualties in that war, but who will that be?

Men @ Play is a book about relationships.  Some are easy and some are not but the one thing that is consistent is that there is a constant relationship of some sort going on at all times.  The characters interact well and they keep the story flowing very easily.  The book have some twists but it is very easy to follow.  There were some grammatical errors that if you were not paying attention to the story you might get confused (like mixing up names) but all in all this is a good story.  I would suggest to the author if it can be updated and corrected on Amazon, I would do that.  I have read this author before and I know her work and this is not the norm.  It is still a book worthy of purchase.

Men @ Play is available for purchase on in Kindle form.

  • File Size: 1607 KB
  • Print Length: 305 pages
  • Publisher: Unlimited Possibilities Publishing (August 15, 2016)
  • Publication Date: August 15, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:  Not Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled