Every Ounce You Got To Give (A Psychological Thriller) by Stephen J. Browder

every ounceManipulateto treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner.  When dealing with relationships at one point or another someone in the relationship is going to try to steer it in a certain direction.  Whether it be by physical or emotional guidance, the end result is someone is going to like the way that it is headed and hopefully for the relationship, both will be in agreement.  What happens when the direction it is headed in is an unhealthy one?  Who or how will this be redirected?  Is it better to let just one person manipulate the flow or should this be a team effort?  Is it possible for both parties to manipulate the relationship?

Saint Matthews is an interesting young man.  From very young in life he did things his own way.  Saint was never one to follow the crowd, if anything he had the masses following him.  Saint never allowed anyone to get ahead of his thinking, he was always one maybe even two steps ahead of everyone else.  When it comes to getting what he wants, Saint gets his way with everyone.  Saint sought out his prey carefully and very specifically to what his needs were at that particular time.  Saint played this game of cat and mouse very skillfully but how does it feel when the tables are turned?  When the hunter becomes the hunted?  Is there a way to get out of the cross hairs or will Saint fall victim and be on the receiving end of what he has put everyone else through?

Every Ounce You Got To Give is an intense read.  At first you are wondering why would someone behave like this and then you are wondering how is this going to end because some just deserves are due.  The flow of this story is constant, you will not have a difficult time reading this.  The characters are not to complex for this freshman novel, you can understand and attempt to relate to them.  The story gives you enough where you want to continue to read even if you are mad at the characters.  The only distraction was the editing needs to be improved.  Not too many typos where you can’t understand the novel but just enough where you know they are there.  All in all for a freshman novel it is a good read.

Every Ounce You Have To Give ~ A Psychological Thriller is available for purchase through Amazon.com (Kindle edition only).

  • File Size: 658 KB
  • Print Length: 233 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Heat Block Publications (June 4, 2016)
  • Publication Date: June 4, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
  • X-Ray:  Not Enabled 
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Screen Reader: Supported 
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled